In case you missed it Saturday morning, Alex Hormozi broke the marketing world by basically giving away his entire playbook on how he’s grown his companies. If you’re looking for the $100M Leads Audiobook, you can find the playlist below.
I took the time to hang out and watch the entire book launch, bought a pack of books, and already started going through all the courses. For me a lot of this is already known stuff, but I like to go through programs sometimes to re-enforce my skills and knowledge.
Anyways, to the reason for this post. Alex posted the audiobook version of his new book $100M Leads to his podcast, but I realized it wasn’t an easily consumable method so I did what any completely normal person would do. I made a Spotify playlist of it!
Link to the playlist:
If you prefer to read here’s two other ways to get his book:

You can buy the kindle version here:
Or buy the hardback version here: