
Nick Berry

My customGPT Library

Below are a few of the customGPTs’ I’ve built that you can mess around with.

This one I fed it every article I’ve written over the last year, ask it whatever you want to know about marketing, and it will respond pretty close to what I would say.

Create SEO optimized content by having a conversation with this customGPT

I fed this one my 8 step process for cold email setup. If you’re struggling with getting started on the technical side of cold email ask it anything and it should be able to help you out!

Upload a list of your anonymized clients and rank them based on 6 criteria: 

  • Total Premium
  • Service Requests
  • Claims History
  • Claims Severity
  • Referrals
  • Google reviews

Create your social media content based on my 5 pillars of social content.

A copywriting expert like Gary Halbert or Dan Kennedy, enhancing and writing persuasive emails.

A specialized AI dedicated to crafting engaging and factual historical narration scripts from a single narrator’s perspective, enriching stories with detail and context for diverse formats.

Want to learn how to build these too?

I recorded a two part course showing you exactly how I built the cold email helper, and the persuasive pen GPTs. Early Bird Access is just $39 and you’ll get lifetime access to the course and any additions or upgrades I make to it.

And as an extra bonus from the course you’ll be able to book a 30 minute call with me if you get stuck anywhere or need some help.