How to improve your reach and get more clicks on social media

How to improve your reach and get more clicks on social media

If you’re anything like the rest of us, social media seems like a crap shoot at best. With organic reach and traffic to our websites getting lower and lower. I talk to a lot of business owners who have all but given up on posting to social media, especially company pages.

I bet you’ve seen some theories floating around that if you link directly to an external site in a post your reach is hurt by social media sites. And if you follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn you might have noticed I have been posting links to the newsletter or blog posts in a thread or as a comment recently.

That’s because I’ve been testing that theory. Here are a couple of posts as examples.

Adding a link in the thread or comments helps improve reach
Putting the link in the body of your social post will throttle your organic reach

In the post with the link in the thread the reach is much higher on the original post. Even though the reach is about the same on both links, my first priority on Twitter is eyeballs, and if I get more eyeballs on the original post, that raises the likelihood the person that expands the thread will click my link!

Now let’s talk about what other things I’m doing to increase my reach and engagement.

Let’s dive into what I am doing, and why I think things are getting better. Then we’ll talk about the theory and the results of this very small test.

Three things I’ve started doing more of on twitter:

  1. Posting more often, at least twice a day
  2. Recycling older posts 
  3. Repurposing blog content into posts and threads

Why you should be posting more often.

Twitter and any other social media site has one goal, keep eyeballs on their app. It’s not just a numbers thing, but the more content you create, the more things people have to engage with. The algorithms reward people that create more opportunities to keep more eyeballs on their app or website. 

How am I managing this? I use an app called HypeFury, there are a ton of other social media scheduling apps. I’m using it because it makes it easy to do the next two things I’ve been doing.

Don’t be afraid to recycle existing posts.

First off, as long as you’re not recycling recent content, who the hell has the energy to remember you posted that thing 3 months ago? Second, with organic reach pretty limited, the likelihood of someone that follows you saw or engaged with your post is not that high. 

I have as of this post about 1600 followers on Twitter. On average my posts are seen by about 350 people, even if those people are all my followers (which they’re not) that’s only about a 20% viewership. I would bet only about half of those viewers are your actual followers. So let’s call it 10%.

If even at best 10% of our followers are seeing your posts, what’s it going to hurt to republish a post from a few months ago.

And if anyone is paying attention that hard and calls you out, congratulations you’ve just earned your first fan. And remember if they’re commenting, even being a jackass that’s still engagement as far as the algorithms are concerned. Normal people will just keep scrolling.

How I’m repurposing blog content as twitter threads and LinkedIn posts.

Twitter threads aren’t just for the guru’s, they’re a great way to share your content and get more engagement and views. One reason I really like this is with the restriction of character limits per post it forces you to get more concise in your thoughts.

This is also a great time to practice writing better titles and subject lines. Start there, look at your original blog title, and write up a quick headline, and summary of your post.

Then take your subheadings, review them and make sure they’re engaging and concise. Then write a summary that is less than 280 characters for the thread. That’s it for repurposing blogs for twitter.

The next step is taking screenshots of that thread, and post it on LinkedIn as a carousel post!

These LinkedIn posts don’t need to be super long, but I like to add context in the body to fill in the blanks of the twitter screenshots.

Take control of your social media presence and increase your reach with these simple strategies

Social media can be a tough game to play, with organic reach and traffic to websites dwindling. However, there are ways to improve your reach and engagement on social media. By experimenting with posting strategies and using social media scheduling apps like HypeFury, you can post more often and recycle older posts without worrying about who may have seen them before. Repurposing blog content as Twitter threads and LinkedIn posts is also a great way to get more engagement and views. By creating concise and engaging summaries and headlines, you can get more eyeballs on your posts and increase engagement. Remember, the algorithms reward those who create more opportunities to keep more eyeballs on their app or website, so don’t be afraid to try new strategies and experiment to see what works best for you.

If you want to get access to more crazy ideas like this I created the Marketing Secrets Club just for people like you. I build out crazy automations, and show you exactly how I did it. The only catch is it’s not free and it will require you to actually work on your business. No silver bullets here, sorry, I’m not a genie.

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